illustration : we do not like...

"The small(and great)
emotions of Life"

The small ones - and the great ones- emotions of life, as they come along, through our daily lives and chance encounters, one after another. Feelings of timidity, anger, disappointment, friendship, modesty, regret, shame, inferiority, complicity, authority, curiosity, separation, loneliness, kindness, and others which help us grow, from happiness, to love.
Text and illustrations Montse Gisbert (album, 80 pages, 17,5 x 17,5 cm)

This album is published in French : Alice Jeunesse (Brussels), in Castilian, Catalan : Tàndem Editions (Valencia) and Dutch : ( Hillen / De Eenhoorn).
We are in search of an editor for an English version do not hesitate to contact us!

This album has obtain:
Selection from "White Ravens" (International Children's Books Library)

"White Ravens" (Munich)
CLIJ (Spain)

Book fair, Valencia (Spain)

Book fair, Bologna (Italy)

Abacus bookstore (Spain)
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