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Children's book fair
15/12/06 - 28/01/07

- 2nd Children's book fair "Town of Alicante" (Spain), organized by the Ministry of Education and the Culture. Exhibitions in the public room of the "Fish market" (Alicante).
- Exhibition : "Animales en su tinta" (Animal in its ink)
- Exhibition : Illustrators from Alicante
- Sample of the Illustrated Books.
- Participation in one of the round tables : "Amores imposibles. Relación editor-ilustrador" (impossible loves. The relations editor-illustrator) : with Fair Esther (Director of Kókinos Éditions) / Noemí Villamuza (Illustrator); Serrano Rosa (Director of Tandem Editions / Montse Gisbert (Illustrator). Moderator: Inma Vellosillo (Professor of the University of Alcala). These debates were for professionals in the field of Illustrated books for childrens : teachers, editors, librarians, authors, illustrators, etc...